
Welcome to Christian Church in Clarksburg

教会特别活动 / Special Event年度野餐 / Annual Picnic(2023年9月23日周六上午11点半 / September 23 Saturday 11:30AM).


聚会地址 Address:

Rocky Hill Middle School, 22401 Brick Haven Way,  Clarksburg, MD 20871


每主日10:00AM:主日敬拜、擘饼 (中英文双语, 疫情期间聚会方式采用线上zoom meeting与线下并行方式)

每主日12:30PM: 午餐交通、祷告聚会 (因疫情暂时取消)

每周三 8:00PM:祷告聚会 (疫情期间调整到线上聚会)

每周五 7:30PM:查经聚会 (中英文双语,疫情期间调整到线上聚会)

Come to Worship with us

Sunday 10:00AM: Worship, Communion, Sermon (Chinese and English, in-person and online zoom meeting)

Sunday 12:30PM: Fellowship, Prayer Meeting (temporarily cancelled due to COVID)

Wednesday 8:00PM: Prayer Meeting (Online zoom meeting due to COVID)

Friday 7:30PM: Bible Study (Chinese and English, online zoom meeting due to COVID)